Monday, September 23, 2013

Time For Disposal-Version 1 Part 2

Back at the landfill, Zoe has finished dumping her load, then she left.
All of us babies and all of the diapers were now being sent through the large, stainless steel chute that all of the trucks were dumping their loads into as well, before the diapers and us babies could be sorted and then sent to the proper areas for processing.
I was forced down through the funnel shaped “hopper” that looked like a large shredder hopper…..and a trash chute all-in-one, along with all of the other subjects and diapers as well as the mangled strollers that they would use at the dump, to show in their demonstrations that people can dispose of their “unwanted disabled or badly behaving” “subjects” in their strollers and how to load them into trucks or stationary compactors.
I soon found myself whizzing along a fast-moving conveyor belt that had lots and lots of diapers and other trash falling along it. The conveyor belt was ¾ enclosed except for the opening where the trash was falling, the whole conveyor belt was like a pipe with a belt running along the bottom of it. The giant piles of trash in this thing, were barely able to move along it. Before I knew it, I had come out into a warehouse like place, into open air and there were a few people standing around wearing white coats and white uniforms. They were watching the loads, taking a few of the diapers out, looking at them, then putting them back. A man was standing nearby, with a clipboard, checking the orders, and keeping track of his duties. These people were from the Diaper City Dump’s Labs. They were there to pull out anything that they might be able to use in their lab tests and experiments. If they saw any diapers or babies that they might need in the course of doing their jobs, they were allowed to pull them aside. 


I went through the processor, the diapers and I got sent up for sorting. I was left on the conveyor belts with all of the disposable diapers. All of the cloth diapers, cloth onesies, cloth training pants, clothing, blankets, and anything that was made of cloth, was taken off. Soon I had passed the sorters. The belt was now enclosed again on all sides. It got dark and mostly quiet. Then, suddenly, I ended up sandwiched between two piles taller than I was….I could hear sounds of diapers falling and the constant sounds of hydraulic presses hard at work. Before I knew what was  going on, I was being pressed into a cube and then straps baled the diapers and then the bale I was now stuck in between, was headed down another conveyor belt. There were nothing but disposable diapers in the bale, then, a large fork lift, came and picked the bale I was in, up and took it into some warehouse like place….near the middle of the Diaper City Diaper Dump (Landfill).
Then, all of a sudden, the straps popped off and all of the diapers fell apart from the pressure holding them together. The diapers were going into a large, recycling machine once they were brought in by cart. The cart I was now in, was quickly filling up. I didn’t think that anyone knew I was even in the load.



Then, once everyone began to pick through the load of now un-baled diapers, they began to fill carts with the diapers that were about to be recycled. Others were bringing in the carts full of bags and bags and bags, hundreds maybe even thousands of bags worth of disposable diapers, pull-ups, modified toddler disposable diapers and even a few modified adult disposable diapers too. There were people bringing in diaper pails full of disposable diapers, men putting cart-loads of trash bags full of diapers onto an upward conveyor belt that dumped the bags of diapers into the recycling machine that kind of was like a side loading washer. The disposable diapers were being first washed,



and then shredded into little particles to be made into more disposable diapers later on at the various Diaper factories around Diaper City.
The man that was unloading the cart I was in, soon noticed me down under two bags of disposable diapers. He reached into the cart, pulled me up and out of the cart, then put me down onto my feet. He looked me over, really looking at my diapered butt.
“You know, little one, that this machine recycles disposable diapers…….I COULD…just load you up into it and just let you get your diaper recycled right off of you, then collect you at the other end, but I will spare you from this,  THIS time…..I’m going to have that diaper taken off of you though first, so that I can recycle it.” Stated the man, looking around for one of the “subject-care” staff members. Seeing a lady with red hair standing near one of the changing stations, the man takes me by the hand and leads me right over to the station. The man then taps the lady on her shoulder. “ I found this subject in my load of diapers to be recycled. I want his diaper taken off and given to me so that I can recycle it before you take him somewhere else.” Explained the man to the woman. “Ok, leave him with me…put him over there in that old diaper change holding crib and close the top. I’ll make sure you get his diaper once I change it.” Explained the lady. “Thank you.” Said the man taking me over to the empty safety bed that looked like a large crib, putting me into it, raising the side and then lowering the top before locking it so that I couldn’t get out.
The man then left and went back to loading the recycling machine.
A few minutes later, the red-head lady came over to the safety bed I was in, she raised the top, lowered the side and then helped me out of it. She then took me over to the changing table and helped me up onto it. “Well! Don’t YOU have a nice, thick disposable diaper on! I see that you are wearing a rather thick diaper. Well, since you won’t be needing that thick of a diaper where YOU are going, I’m going to take this one off. Usually, we only change a baby like you if we need to, otherwise, you stay in that diaper until someone changes you. You are going to be one of the babies…..that gets to be loaned out to someone who wants a baby or is thinking about adopting a subject from us. This is how they get to try-before-they-buy or adopt you. If they don’t like you, they just take you out to the trash and dispose of you. You end up right back here, and then you have to stay here for at least a week before you can be loaned out, adopted, or bought. If you come back here again, it will be…your third time. On the fourth time, we just keep you…..and you get to become the official property of the Diaper City Diaper Disposal Inc Family.
We use you for dump operations, we use you and your diapers for demonstrations to the public, and, if we NEED to, we CAN, contract you out to diaper factories, people who need to us up some diapers they have, or to labs, who need a lab subject to test their products, chemicals and diapers on. We also will use you and your diapers to train new diaper trash collectors. They need to learn how to load you, in SOME companies, they require now that the babies wear either cloth diapers or disposable diapers…..depending on which they are picking up. If a diaper collection driver picks up only cloth diapers, then, you are required to wear cloth diapers. If that driver picks up only disposable diapers, you are required to wear only disposable diapers. If you are wearing a disposable diaper, you CAN’T be wearing anything cloth at all! All cloth items MUST be removed or they won’t take you. The drivers MUST know this and give each customer a chance to take their baby’s clothing off prior to disposal. If that baby is wearing a cloth diaper, then it IS ok to wear clothing or other cloth items over it…..but the driver HAS to be able to SEE what kind of diaper that the baby is wearing. See? Now you know why we use you in trainings.” Explained the red-head as she put on another disposable diaper after taking my other one off. “There…..all done. Once I get you down from this changer, I am going to take your old diaper over to be recycled. Then, I will take you over to the loaning and contracting show arena so that they can get you ready to be loaned out.” Explained the red-head as she took me by the right hand and led me over to the recycling machine to drop off my old diaper. Once the red-head dropped my wet diaper off in the recycling bin, she led me over to the lending arena on the north end of the Diaper City Diaper Landfill. Once she and I get there, she led me right over to the receiving desk where a very busy blond lady was just giving some instructions to one of her subject care givers, on what to dress that subject in and if they should even clean them up or not and how, to clean them up, if…..they even wanted to.
Then that subject’s caregiver took the baby boy by the right hand and led him away to do whatever they were going to do, in preparation of the lending demonstration show.
The red-head walked up, explained to the blond lady at the receiving desk that I was here to be lent out and that “the baby” needs to go out to a company before Friday. The blond asked how many times that “the baby” had gone out, how many times he had come back, and what had been done to him…..the red-head didn’t know. So the blond took my hand, then, led me over to a holding area with lots of see-through enclosed cribs that had plexi-glass covers over both sides of them. The blond left me in the charge of a dark-haired woman wearing a nurse’s outfit. The nurse then came over to me, took my right hand, led me over to an empty holding crib, and then helped me inside.
Once the nurse got me inside the crib, she raised the side with the plexi-glass over the outside of the bars and then lowered the top. The air outside was 70 degrees most of the springs and summer. During the winter months, it was only 55 to 60 degrees during the day and 52 to 54 degrees at night.
With only 30 minutes left until the show started, the diapers and babies that were being
Used and shown in the show, were being brought up and prepared and the show props were being set up, the cribs were being rolled in to a single file line so that borrowers could view and read about each of us subjects.
A few minutes, go by, and the show starts. The first subject is taken out of the crib and brought out to the arena to demonstrate what that subject could be used for. The subject was paraded around the arena in just their diaper, first then laid onto a conveyor belt on their back. The conveyor belt had a large enclosed intake feeder that was taking in loads upon loads of cloth diapers and other items made of cloth. The subject was also wearing only soaking wet cloth diapers as they had been loaded onto the conveyor belt. The cloth items and the subject were going to be shredded up and then sold off to be made into fluff for disposable diapers. The subject would have their cloth diapers shredded right off of them without even being harmed and then be deposited into the shreddings catcher. The baby boy, was put into the machine with a large pile of dry, and clean, still usable cloth pre-fold cloth diapers and onesies. As the diapers and the baby boy entered the intake feeders, like a sheet of paper into a printer, the diapers got sprayed with a combination of warm water and foaming detergents as they were drawn in. A few minutes later, after the sounds of the diapers, the onesies and the subject getting their diaper shredded off of them was heard, the subject was deposited into the shreddings catcher and then pulled out completely naked…shown to the crowd of viewers and potential borrowers, then the subject was taken to have a disposable diaper put on them and then put back into the crib in the holding area. I was then looked over by the Diaper City diaper Landfill’s owner. He then told one of the ladies to take me out of the crib and take me back over to the disposable diaper area…..have me dressed and then driven to the Diaper City Diaper Training Center and to expect me to be disposed of the next morning.

See Part 3

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